Extra-curricular Activities

  1. Aug 2022: Brave the Shave: Volunteer
    • Shaved my hair and raised more than £300 to be donated to the charity. View Fundraising Page
    • Donated my hair to Little Princess Trust to make wigs for children with cancer.View Certificate

    shave shave

  2. Oct 2022 - June 2023: Trinity College Badminton Club President
    • Organisation: Trinity College Badminton Club
    • Oversaw Women’s Team and Men’s First, Second and Third Team.
    • Organised trials, coaching, trainings, stash, social events and league matches.


  3. Oct 2021 - June 2022: Trinity College Badminton Women’s First Team Captain
    • Organisation: Trinity College Badminton Women’s First Team
    • Organised trainings, matches and court bookings.
    • Devised and implemented training strategies.


  4. Jan 2017 - Dec 2018: Volunteer
    • Organisation: Son-rise Singapore
    • Responsible for interacting with an autistic child and try to gain their trust and friendship.
    • Played with an autistic child four hours a week. Taught the child basic words and phrases.
    • View Certificate
  5. Jan 2017 - Dec 2018: Team Member
    • Organisation: Hwa Chong Institution Tennis Team
    • Represented Hwa Chong Institution Girls’ Tennis in inter-school games.
    • Silver award at inter-school games.


  6. Jan 2017 - June 2018: Team Member
    • Organisation: Hwa Chong Institution Chinese Orchestra
    • Represented Hwa Chong Institution Chinese Orchestra Guzheng player.
    • Gold award at Singapore Youth Festival.


  7. Jan 2015 - Dec 2016: Volunteer
    • Organisation: Ground-up Initiative
    • Ground-up Initiative is a non-profit community that aims to develop urban sustainability through hands-on education on farming, craftwork and painting.
    • Participated in carpentry, brick-making, seed-sowing, plant-watering and a variety of agricultural activities.
  8. Jan 2015 - June 2015: Choir Member
    • Organisation: Anderson Secondary School Choir
    • Soprano one in Anderson Secondary School Choir
    • Gold award at Singapore Youth Festival.



I am also a Guzheng (a classical chinese instrument) and violin player.